Our Mission
Rare Earth Independence Through Geological Innovation.
American Terbium Corp. is removing the greatest obstacles blocking Western rare earth independence.
Most known rare earth resources in North America and the rest of the world are hosted in ‘hard rock’ deposits which are metallurgically challenging and dependent on Chinese downstream processing.
American Terbium is taking a radically different and industry disruptive approach.
High Dy-Tb Grades in a Rapidly Leachable Host Rock.
A Global First Mover
American Terbium is Commercializing a New Rapidly Leachable Rare Earth Deposit Type.
We have applied a new geological model that has defined high grade Heavy Rare Earth Element (HREE) enrichment in laterally extensive paleo basin sediments in the United States and Canada.
Compared to well known intrusive rare earth deposits which are not leachable, this totally new type of deposit has more than 3x the grade of the highest-value HREEs, dysprosium and terbium (Dy-Tb).
Core sample of Dy-Tb enriched ore at American Terbium’s Lost Basin Project
American Terbium has discovered ore grade Dy-Tb enrichment in leachable on-shore paleo analogues of the vast Pacific seafloor metal precipitate systems.
Rapid Leaching with High Recoveries
This new type of rare earth deposit can be rapidly leached using our low-cost proprietary leach solution, recovering +95% of metal content in just 24 hours.
This new approach side-steps the fundamental issues hindering the multitude of intrusive rare earth deposits promoted today, which are uneconomic and only serve to further entrench America’s dependence on China.
American Terbium is now well positioned to become the first company in North America to deliver a HREE leach concentrate solution to US separation facilities - completely independent from China.